Tuesday, November 17, 2009

trains and other adventures

we have been going into the city these past two days, to do a course.
you kids are going to a care/babysitting service, that is offered through the course that I am attending.
we've caught the train there and home each time.
and it's like a little adventure for you both.
Ari, you sit up on the seat, looking out the window and calling out everything that you can see.
and mimicing the voice over "stand clear, doors closing".
Mishi, you mimic your big brother in everything he says. 
both of you point out everything you see.
the milk factory, the scary ghost tunnel, the river, the bridge, Stefen's Point Tower, the ferris wheel.
it's really lovely to watch you being so excited and involved with things that us adults find mundane.
and i watch the other train passengers smile with you, smile with delight to hear your pleasure at exploring.
A, you've been saving the train tickets. i think you are going to make a special artwork with them.
you love showing the ticket to the conductor.
and talking to everyone.
you're very confident and say hello with happiness and ease to all who you see.
M, you're so much part of what A does - following and loving what he does. yet also yourself, singing your own songs and talking your own little stories.

going on simple adventures with you both is lovely. and sitting and watching the world through your wide-open eyes.

you have both taken to the babysitting people with ease. and seem to be fine without me for the day, except for being slightly bored (being contained in a teeny tiny room with a handful of babies isn't your idea of fun!).
but it gives me good feelings that when you start kindy very soon that all will go smoothly and happily.

more train adventures tomorrow. and hopefully some lovely train drawings very soon.
today was a sweltering hot day, they handed out free icecreams at the train station - what a lovely and strange thing.
and then a big storm tonight, and lots of thunder and lightning.

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